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The Palestinian Museum Celebrates the Repatriation of Historical Collections of Tangible Cultural Items from the Diaspora

July 6, 2021 - Birzeit: The Palestinian Museum celebrates the acquisition and arrival of important collections of material cultural heritage items to join its growing permanent collection. The Museum successfully recovered 240 historical items from the United States of America, consisting of 80 historical dresses (thobes), their accessories, and… read more
The Palestinian Museum Announces the Launch of its New Digital Educational Platform Project

24 June 2021 - Birzeit/ Jerusalem: The Palestinian Museum and the Consulate General of France in Jerusalem announced the launch of a new Digital Educational Platform Project. The project targets children, adolescents, families, and those engaged in education and learning about Palestine's history and culture. Work on the project will run from July… read more
The Palestinian Museum Launches Phase Two of Its Digital Archive Project

When complete, the archive will include more than 360,000 freely-available items 21/04/2021 – Birzeit: The Palestinian Museum announced the launch of phase two of its Digital Archive project (PMDA), which will continue for three years as of March 2021. During phase two, the project will widen its reach, gathering Palestinian archives from families… read more

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