A Series of Workshops: Land Art

In cooperation with Tamer Institute for Community Education, and the Artis Manal Mahamid and poet Bader Othmant

1–15 July, 10:00–13:00
Place: Al Maghazi Community Rehabilitation Society (MCRS)
For children aged 12 – 13 years 

The Palestinian refugee camp represents thousands of intertwined, and sometimes unrecognisable, transformations. If we attempt a definition of the camp, we are forced to address three questions: What was it? What is it now? What will it be? The answers will take us from the tents and the sheets of corrugated iron and asbestos, to the camp in its current shape, and then to the forms that the near and distant futures may bring. The story of the camp is the story of thousands of Palestinians, the story of their intellectual, cultural and physical transformations.

This workshop attempts to answer the above questions with a group of children. We use these questions as an entryway to the most important question: Does Palestinian memory face the threat of erasure? By the end of the course, the children will produce three stories.

Free entry. 
Places are limited. To register, please fill the online form here