Printed in Jerusalem: Mustamloun

Sign language interpreter Thaer Daraghmeh

Wednesday, 24 February | 18:00
Place: the Palestinian Museum social media platforms

The guided sign language tour covers all five sections of Printed in Jerusalem: Mustamloun.

Remnants explores the Industrial Islamic Orphanage Press, which since its establishment, has printed educational books, industrial and social magazines, in addition to several local newspapers. Many apprentices were taught the printing trade and craft there, and relayed their expertise to neighbouring cities and countries over the years.

The Sixth Communiqué seeks to understand the relation between political content and the means by which it is communicated.

Inspection and Evaluation presents original Lawrence Press printing clichés, in addition to artistic interventions based on the collection.

Leave a Trace explores the Israeli military censors’ suppression of any material of which they disapproved in the 1960s and 70s. Newspapers back then often appeared with blank gaps, marks of the censor’s redactions.

Rebirth presents a biographical exhibit about Fatema Muhib and her artistic achievements.