Virtual Tour Series, Printed in Jerusalem

Section Two: The Sixth Communiqué;Section Three: Inspection and Evaluation
Curators Baha Jubeh, Abdel-Rahman Shabane, and assistant-curator Sandy Rishmawi

Monday, 7 September | 18:00
Language: Arabic
Place: Palestinian Museum social media platforms

The Sixth Communiqué seeks to understand the relation between political content and the means by which it is communicated. During the first Intifada, those caught with political publications were imprisoned and banned from practicing any profession linked to printing. Paper itself was damning evidence in those days. 
Inspection and Evaluation presents printing clichés from the Lawrence Press collection and artistic interventions based on the collection in five corners: Education, Tourism, Culture, Society, and Commerce.
*A mustamly (plural: mustamloun) was tasked with dictating manuscripts to copyists and acted as an intermediary between authors and the public. Historically, this transmission of content was associated with censorship as well. This ancient profession disappeared as modernisation took hold.