Way out there in the Faraway Colour

Authors: Sarah Zahran, Hana Irsheid, and Samar Qirresh

Illustrated by: Bara’ Arour

Language: Arabic

Way Out there in the Faraway Colour is the museum’s first children’s storybook publication. It includes a collection of stories inspired by children and adolescents’ interaction and experimentation with artistic, intellectual, and introspective experiences. Target age groups include children between the ages of 6-9 and those between the ages of 10-12.

This publication aims to allow children to reflect on artistic, cultural, and community practices through storytelling, tying these practices to their personal experiences to create a fun learning environment based on imaginative play. The stories were inspired by the exhibition Printed in Jerusalem: Mustamloun and stations from the accompanying Interactive Family Space: Colour and Words Reveal the World.