Curators Baha Jubeh, Abdel-Rahman Shabane and Assistant Curator Sandy Rishmawi

Sunday, 28 February | 14:00
Language: Arabic
Place: the Palestinian Museum

The exhibition explores the relation between Jerusalemites and publications printed in their city, be their content political, educational, commercial, cultural or touristic. It seeks to analyse the emergence and disappearance duality that was inherent to the publications of nascent social movements within the city, movements that contended with the governing institutions and tools of censorship they imposed on Jerusalem’s urban fabric.

Visitors will have one more opportunity to explore and contemplate the exhibition’s five sections: Remnants, the Sixth Communiqué, Inspection and Evaluation, Leave a Trace, and Rebirth.

Join us on the final guided tour of Printed in Jerusalem: Mustamloun and explore the history of Jerusalem through the city’s publications and printing presses.  

*A mustamly (plural: mustamloun) was tasked with dictating manuscripts to copyists and acted as an intermediary between authors and the public. Historically, this transmission of content was associated with censorship as well. This ancient profession disappeared as modernisation took hold.

Limited admission, please register: